
Recent Project Install Photos

Get Started on Your Project Install Today!

What We Install

CABINETS: 12-14 Business Days

(Following completion of paperwork, reciept of payment in full, and pending product availability/arrival)

PRE-FAB COUNTERTOPS: 7-10 Business Days

(Following completion of paperwork, reciept of payment in full, and pending product availability/arrival)

CUSTOM COUNTERTOPS: 10-14 Business Days

(Following completion of paperwork, reciept of payment in full, and pending product availability/arrival)

DOORS: 7-10 Business Days

(Following completion of paperwork, reciept of payment in full, and pending product availability/arrival)

Note: Product must be at a single location. Holidays and weekends do not count toward standard lead times. 

What to Expect:

Installation Measure Request

Step 1: Measure Request Purchased

Step 2: Measure Request Sent to Installer for Scheduling

Step 3: Measure Completed by Installer at Customer's Home

Step 4: Measure Sent to Seconds & Surplus for Processing

Installation Service Area